Caring for loved ones

The holidays can be difficult. It is challenging to care for ourselves but it is also challenging to care for our loved ones who may be hurting. It is difficult to see people we love suffering. Here are a few considerations: The holidays can be stressful, even triggering. Begin by taking care of you. If … Continue reading Caring for loved ones

The Compassionate Witness

I believe that counseling (or any therapeutic intervention) should be intentional. Having a treatment plan in place is, after all, required by the Texas Behavioral Health Executive Council for Licensed Professional Counselors. I tell my clients that it is never their job to have “material” for the session. It is not their job to come … Continue reading The Compassionate Witness

Understanding Addiction

By Lindsey Boman, MA, LPC "Why can’t I stop?" is often the first question people struggling with addiction will ask me when they come into treatment. They will name all the reasons that they have to maintain sobriety, (family, friends, finances, freedom, health, career etc.) but will confess that they keep choosing their drug of … Continue reading Understanding Addiction

Why can’t we be friends?

Counseling is a unique experience. It is vulnerable, raw, excruciating, and profound. The therapeutic relationship is unique and unlike any other relationship. The therapeutic relationship can be difficult to understand but it is one of most important factors that influences the outcome of therapy. Because the therapeutic relationship is so unique, and perhaps mysterious, it … Continue reading Why can’t we be friends?

Compliance as a survival response

Photo by Pixabay on Survival is complicated and incredible. We are innately wired with a sophisticated stress response system that allows us to survive hard things. To put it simply (although this is an oversimplification) there are 3 primary default responses to threat. First we seek social connection—safe people. If safety is not found … Continue reading Compliance as a survival response